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In a world where inflation and rates are rising, the speed of depreciation is much higher than one might imagine. It is very important, therefore, to be able to give returns on capital in order to avoid having a considerable loss of value on investments on a national level. The rise in rates by the Central Banks, moreover, facilitates the

Today, the 21st of July 2016, the very first Notified Alternative Investment Fund (NAIF) has been launched in Malta by Abalone Asset Management, which gains the primacy for structuring this innovative type of fund. Abalone and its team is indeed very proud to announce the launch of Ventura SICAV, whose notification process has ended successfully with the MFSA registering the Fund

69% of High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs) use online banking. 47% of HNWIs not using robo-services would consider them for the future. This is to say how the tech appetite is remarkable in the segment, which might be an alarm for the wealth and more generally asset management business. Indeed, according to a new survey from the CFA Institute, asset management would