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Merger between Abalone GRAFF and Solitaire Aquila

In February 2022, the merger between Abalone Graff SA and Solitaire Aquila AG created the new Swiss wealth management company of the Abalone Group: Abalone Solitaire. A step that naturally occurred with Abalone’s acquisition of Solitaire Aquila, an independent Zurich manager whose main business is to provide wealth management services.

With the acquisition of Solitaire Aquila, Abalone Graff expanded its portfolio to include German and Swiss-German customers: “Thanks to the merger – says Riccardo Teodori, partner of the group and Chairman of Abalone Asset Management – Abalone improves its competitiveness and vertical market presence in business execution, acquiring skills and further structuring operational capabilities, thanks to the integration between the Solitaire Aquila team and the Abalone Graff team “.

The merger takes place at a time when the consolidation of the WM market in Switzerland continues in preparation for the introduction of the new FIDLEG-FINIG regulations. All European regulators are in fact moving towards a solidified action in licensed activities of control and supervision.

The basic philosophy is oriented towards the definition of higher levels of corporate governance and has the protection of the customer, transparency of information, and the efficiency of relations with the regulator as the final objectives.

Changes of this magnitude end up funneling small companies that struggle to bear the costs of adapting to the new levels of complexity determined by the regulations being introduced opening up the market to potential aggregation processes (mergers, acquisitions, partnerships).

This underlines Abalone’s ability to anticipate the times and, at the same time, its analytical capacity to consider a number of possible consequent scenarios that will eventually take place in this changing market.

A trend that leads Swiss and European regulators towards increasingly stringent regulations may open new strategic opportunities for mergers or aggregations.