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Interview to Edoardo Grigione at the “Salone del Risparmio”

Edoardo Grigione – Abalone Asset Management Ltd

Abalone has introduced its business into the Italian market with the launch of the Abalone Asset Management’s branch in Milan at 15 Corso Vittorio Emanuele. The opening coincides with the re-opening of the “Salone del Risparmio”, a major event in the space of Italian networking happenings dedicated to the finance industry.
Abalone is moreover planning to open two other extremely important fronts for the development of its international business: a Multi-Family Office in Monte Carlo and a company dedicated to wealth management in Dubai.

Events such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the war between Russia and Ukraine create uncertain market circumstances, but to avoid panic and rash decisions, investors should always seek and rely on recognized and professional wealth management companies such as Abalone’s one, to look after, protect and produce value for their own assets.
Another notable change taking place in the social and economic and financial environment is the generational change. This special dynamic is under Abalone’s lens from long time, and it has been actively addressed from a strategic point of view, creating products dedicated to a generation of new investors who approach the world of investing in a very different way from their parents.
It is vital to highlight just how risky it might be to rely on the many self-styled ‘gurus’ of online finance, who often lack specific academics or documented expertise. It is indeed essential to be able to understand who is making the investment proposal, whether they have the right authorization, whether the product is authorized, regulated, and whether it is managed in an official and structured manner by a management company that is regularly registered with the various supervisory entities.

Clearly the returns of cryptocurrencies have been incredibly high over the last five years. No other asset classes has had comparable returns with Bitcoin for example.
Working in this direction, while developing an important partnership with Young Platform and working hand-in-hand with industry professionals, Abalone Group has recently created two investment certificates dedicated to the world of crypto trading. We are also direct investors in funds that invest in Blockchain and Web3 projects.
We are clearly experiencing difficult bear market times, but this circumstance can also be read and interpreted as an excellent ‘buy opportunity’, for the more traditional asset classes as well as for the more innovative ones such as digital or crypto.
Bitcoin first and foremost is a technological and cryptographic structure that is changing the way the traditional financial world thinks, and we believe it is important to embrace this technology in a positive, fair and professional manner for the benefit of investors and all players in the service chain.