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Interview with Riccardo Teodori, Chairman of Abalone Asset Management

We find ourselves here today with Abalone Asset Management proudly sponsoring this wonderful event organized by Integrae SIM. It is an event that gives us the opportunity to once again meet our colleagues and friends face-to-face after two years spent communicating almost exclusively through technological platforms.

These platforms have been of enormous help during this pandemic, but they have also distanced us from all the pleasure and satisfaction of being able to exchange impressions, comments, and insights in-person with people who are part of the world we navigate professionally – the world of institutional, retail and listed and unlisted companies. These are very interesting waters for us to navigate because the Abalone Group, through its many companies, is active in various ways in the management of pre- and post-listing activities – through its investment funds and the structuring carried out for our clients.

This event is very important to us also because it takes place in Milan, Italy; the city where we have recently opened the Abalone Asset Management branch with a license to carry out its activities over the territory. Being in Milan today cements our presence here and allows us to meet the very people we will invite to our offices to further discuss how to best develop business together.

From the point of view of the assets it deals with, the Abalone group is extremely heterogeneous. It manages funds and vehicles that also invest and manage non-liquid assets, allowing so they are actually truly linked within the material reality of the industrial world, such as private equity, real estate, or venture capital. We are fortunate to have a very broad view of this type of asset, not only in terms of understanding the logic behind the operation of the underlying assets but also and above all in terms of configuring products that can enable institutional or retail investors to access this type of asset classes.

The same applies to the digital assets. We live in a world that is absolutely permeated by technological innovation, not only for everyday communications in periods such as the one that has just passed but also for investment opportunities.
The technology has indeed captured the world of investment on a large scale and we are elaborating this opportunistic new scenario through the activities of designing and creating investment vehicles, strategically oriented toward this universe of assets, ranging from investment activities in FinTech to investment activities in non-traditional assets, such as cryptocurrencies or instruments that move assets on the blockchain.

From an interaction point of view, we find ourselves in a professional context, the world of Services, which carries out its activities typically through the development and management of human contact and networking. It is therefore essential to be able to interact with all the parties involved in the process.

This wave of technology has greatly contributed to making many operational aspects within the financial services sector easier and more efficient. Coupled with excellence in human performance and know-how, we are at the point of truly reaching the apex of our offerings in service and results-driven environment.