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Riccardo Teodori, CEO of Abalone Asset Management
Davide Chiantore, Class CNBC 2019/07
Davide Chiantore, Class CNBC 2019/10
Roberto Colapinto, Founder

Press Releases

Weekly Market Update

What is the state of the markets almost a month after the conflict? CIO Views – Bottoming process 1/2 US, making fun of good old Europe. As net exporter of oil they can easily suggest to cut off Russia. Remember the US Market reversal on 24th Feb Currently we track approx +8.5% since We crossed 50d MA and are touching […]

Current week markets commentary

In these last weeks, we have seen a lot of volatility in the market, in particular in the European Equity sector. This volatility comes from the Russian-Ukrainian war and we think that this situation will lass also in the next days or weeks. As regards the price of European Equity we think that at this moment there are interesting opportunities, […]

Commento Settimanale ai Mercati

    Il mercato in questo momento sta prezzando solo in parte i rischi geopolitici e di guerra in corso, in quanto i corsi degli indici, come abbiamo potuto vedere, in queste ultime settimane, non hanno vissuto dei collassi così profondi come è successo nel marzo aprile 2020 con la pandemia. Quindi in questo momento il sentiment del mercato paradossalmente […]

Fusion zwischen Abalone GRÄFF und Solitaire Aquila

Im Januar 2022 entstand durch die Fusion von Abalone Graff SA und Solitaire Aquila AG die neue Schweizer Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft der Abalone-Gruppe, Abalone Solitaire AG. Dieser Schritt war eine natürliche Folge der Übernahme von Solitaire Aquila AG, einem unabhängigen Vermögensverwalter mit Sitz in Zürich, dessen Hauptgeschäft die Erbringung von Vermögensverwaltungsdienstleistungen ist. Mit der Übernahme von Solitaire Aquila AG erweitert Abalone Gräff […]

Merger tra Abalone GRAFF & Solitaire Aquila

  A febbraio 2022 la fusione tra Abalone Graff SA e Solitaire Aquila AG ha dato vita alla nuova società di wealth management svizzera del Gruppo Abalone, Abalone Solitaire. Un passo che si pone come conseguenza naturale dell’acquisizione che il gruppo aveva fatto di Solitaire Aquila, gestore indipendente di Zurigo il cui business principale è quello di erogare servizi di […]

Merger between Abalone GRAFF and Solitaire Aquila

In February 2022, the merger between Abalone Graff SA and Solitaire Aquila AG created the new Swiss wealth management company of the Abalone Group: Abalone Solitaire. A step that naturally occurred with Abalone’s acquisition of Solitaire Aquila, an independent Zurich manager whose main business is to provide wealth management services. With the acquisition of Solitaire Aquila, Abalone Graff expanded its […]

Merger by Incorporation of Gräff Capital Management SA

MERGER BY INCORPORATION OF GRÄFF CAPITAL MANAGEMENT SA IN ABALONE SUISSE SA. THE NEW COMPANY WILL BE NAMED ABALONE GRÄFF SA SANKT MORITZ, 26/2/2020 – The Board of Directors of Abalone Suisse SA, a Swiss Wealth manager based in St. Moritz, has approved the merger by incorporation of Gräff Capital Management SA, a Swiss company based in Zurich which has been […]